Achievement – Celebration – Teamwork

‘An Ofsted outstanding school’

July in Nursery

We have been finishing up our ‘Food Glorious Food’ topic this month by learning about the stories of The Tiger who came to tea and Handa’s Surprise.

As part of The Tiger who came to tea, we made our own tiger mask, cutting strips of paper and creating a repeated pattern using orange and black. We played the game Knickerbocker Glory game in small groups, taking turns and using our subitising skills with the spots on the dice.

When learning about Handa’s Surprise, we made our own colourful necklace pictures taking inspiration from the Massai tribe. We talked about the colourful designs and used different materials to make ours.

We finished off our time together in nursery by having our Speaking and Listening Event. This was an opportunity for children to become Tour Guides and show their adults around the nursery classroom and gardens telling them all about the different activities they have done and what they like to play with.