01763 243 392

Icknield Walk First School

Achievement – Celebration – Teamwork

‘An Ofsted outstanding school’


Welcome to Reception Wren and Finch

Our teachers are
Mrs MacLeod and Mrs Dummett
Mrs Williams and Mrs Scott

Starting in Reception parent meeting slides

In the Autumn Term our topics are Into the Woods and Winter Festivals.

In the Spring Term our topics are People that Help Us and Animals of the World.

In the Summer Term our topics are Minibeasts and Fantasy and Adventure .

Spirit of the Wild

Spirit of the Wild brought in a variety of minibeasts, reptiles and mammals.

People Who Help Us

We have been having lots of fun in our role play areas, dressing up and writing purposefully!

December in Reception

What a busy term we have had! So much learning has gone on!
With a Christmas performance to practise for too.

Into The Woods

The children have settled well into Reception and are enjoying the topic Into the woods