01763 243 392

Icknield Walk First School

Achievement – Celebration – Teamwork

‘An Ofsted outstanding school’


Our PTA is a very important part of our school. They support the school in many ways, especially through fundraising.

They organise fun events for children and families, such as the book fair, school discos and the fireworks display.

This year they have already supported the purchase of guided reading scheme books and books for school.

The PTA meet at least twice a term. They are a friendly group of parents and always make new members welcome. You can contact the PTA through the school office or via email at pta@icknieldwalk.herts.sch.uk


Chairperson: Sally Marchant
Vice Chairperson: Rachel Thomas
Treasurer: Matt Barnes
Secretary: Samantha Treharne
Uniform sale coordinator: Sally Marchant

We have also elected year group representatives who will ensure their class parents are kept up to date with requests for volunteers.
Nursery: Samantha Treharne
Reception: Claire Lloyd
Year 1: Sarah Howes
Year 2: Sally Marchant
Year 3: Dove: Anna Alford, Swift: Samantha Treharne
Year 4: Joanna Pytel