01763 243 392

Icknield Walk First School

Achievement – Celebration – Teamwork

‘An Ofsted outstanding school’


We expect all children to wear school uniform once they are in school full time.

A formal school uniform gives a feeling of shared identity within the school community and we believe this is important for all the children. In producing this policy, the staff and governors have tried to ensure that all items are readily available and are as low cost as possible.

The key purposes of having a school uniform are:

  • Helps to ensure your children keep as safe as possible
  • To ensure practical clothing for the activities within the school
  • To promote a feeling of shared identity within the school community
  • Supports our belief that all children are equal

General points on the school uniform:

  • School logos on items of clothing are available but not compulsory
  • All items of clothing, footwear and bags must be named

Full details of the school uniform can be found in the Uniform Policy.

Our uniform with a logo is provided by Schoolyard Limited, Jarman Way, Royston. Most uniform without a logo can be purchased at supermarkets. The PTA regularly hold second hand uniform sales. If you are struggling to afford to buy items of uniform please do contact the office as we have some second hand items.