Homework is an important tool in helping children practice skills and learn independently. Children will have homework that reinforces work carried out in class. The total time for this homework should not be more than
- ½ an hour a week in reception
- 1 hour a week in year 1 and 2
- 1 ½ hours a week in years 3 and 4.
We ask that you support your child with their homework but do not do it for them. Part of the learning process for your child will be their explanation to you about their work and parental interest in a child’s work has been shown to improve the progress a child makes in school.
Other homework
- Nursery children may bring home games or home packs. Again, talking to your child and playing together will help your child progress
- Early Maths Early Maths (121.19KB)
- Year R – 4 children will bring home a learning log, this has an open ended question to investigate and answer in a way your child wishes. They will also be expected to practice some simple mental maths such as learning number bonds or a times table.
- Year 1,2 &3 will bring home maths packs with games to play.
Learning Logs
Why are they successful?
- They are for personalised, child-led activities
- They allow children to be creative and imaginative
- They are fun
- They give a clear indication to teachers and parents of whether the children understand the work set for them in school
- They give the opportunity for the children to expand their school work at home
How they work
- They are reflective journals for children to record what they know and look back on
- Children record their thoughts, learning and feelings in their own way – there is no right or wrong way
- Children can use a variety of resources to help e.g. the Internet, magazines, cut-outs, diagrams, etc.
- Parents can be involved
- Learning Log activities are set on a regular basis
Subscribed to Websites
We subscribe to some educational websites and we would encourage you to support your child in accessing them at home. The passwords (reception to year 4) are in the front of your child’s reading record book. The links for the websites are listed below.
Mathletics : https://www.mathletics.com/uk/
Bug Club : https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0