We know that our children’s mental health and well-being is every bit as important as their physical health. Our staff are trained to understand the impact of good mental health and work to help our children feel emotionally regulated. We use the Feeling Good 5 to help our children understand how they can look after their bodies and their mental health. These are: Connecting to Others, Being Physically Active, Learning New Things, Giving to Others and Being Mindful and In The Moment.
If you require further support with your child’s emotional well-being, please contact our Emotional Well Being Mentor, Mrs Harward, via the school office. She can offer support and advice to yourselves and your child. She may be able to identify an intervention we can put in place in school, or sign post you to other services such as the Royston Family Support Worker or the Education Mental Health Practitioner.
Interventions we can offer in school include: social groups, Drawing and Talking, My Time, 1:1 check ins, time in the Blue Bird Sensory Room, fiddle aids and other sensory supporting equipment.
Please click on the links below for further support
Nessie support the positive mental health of children and young people, 0 – 25 years.
Emotional Well Being Advice:
Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust Children’s Wellbeing Practitioner Team
parent/carer section of the CYPMHS (previously CAMHS) newsletter
The Sandbox is an NHS-funded service to support children and young people in South Staffordshire and Hertfordshire with their mental health and well-being.
In addition to providing NHS-funded support, The Sandbox is a central place for information about common mental health issues, with information on how to access additional support or emergency services.
School Avoidance/Anxiety Recorded Webinars: